5th Grade Track Meet
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Our 5th graders will be participating in the all day district track meet at the Northview stadium on Tuesday, May 11th, for the North feeder schools and Thursday May 13th, for the South feeder schools, starting at 9:00am. The students will participate in running events in the morning, have lunch in the bleachers, and then finish with the field events in the afternoon. Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the day, it can be very chilly at times in May! In addition, please have your child wear tennis shoes on this day (no track spikes are allowed for this meet) and bring a water bottle. Some additional information for the 2021 track meet include:·
● Masks are required for all spectators.
● 2 guests per child can attend the meet.
● We will seat classes/students on the west side of the stadium and spectators on the east side. All spectators are asked to stay in the stands and will not be allowed on the track/field.
● Students will need to have a mask on at all times and can either hold onto their mask or slide it down when they are running. Students will need their mask on while they are waiting in line for events.
● We ask that you do not bring fast food to the track meet, either a sack lunch from home or the school.
This is an optional event for remote students and transportation will be the responsibility of the parent to and from Northview Stadium. Remote kids will report to the track on the following days:
● Tuesday, May 11 – North feeder – Reichart, Schmeling, McInerney
● Thursday, May 13 –South feeder – Buck, Johnson
Thank you,
Your Elementary PE staff
Try-It Thursday: Sugar Snap Peas
Last week’s Try-It Thursday… Sugar Snap Peas!
Incoming Kindergarten Families – Virtual Meeting, April 22
Kindergarten Informational Meeting video
Ankeny Schools held a parent informational meeting virtually on April 22 at 6:30 p.m. Visit the link above to hear our elementary principal team give a brief presentation.
Nutrition Services: Try-It Thursday
Nutrition Services has started “Try-It Thursdays” – where students can sample new or less common fruits and vegetables at lunch. Students have the opportunity to explore how and where these foods are grown and the health benefits they provide. They may even find a new favorite to introduce to their families!
Stay tuned for Try-It Thursday on April, 22 with Sugar Snap Peas.
Check out last weeks featured fruit: Kumquats
School Pictures
Fall pictures at Ashland Ridge will be taken on:
Group 1 – Monday, October 5th
Group 2 – Friday, October 9th
Picture packets will be sent home with students prior to picture day. Payment is to be received the day of pictures. Picture retake day will be Thursday, November 12th.
Reminders for the Start of the School Year
Here are some reminders and important information for the start of the 2020-2021 school year.
Back to School Welcome Letter and Information
Please click link for instructions on how to take attendance for your child on their days of virtual learning.
Virtual Attendance Instructions
A Note From Your Elementary Library
Hybrid students will be able to check out library books during media class at school. When students return their library books, the library staff will quarantine the books for 4 days. Students will use hand sanitizer prior to library checkout and will practice social distancing. Students will return their library books during their next Media class prior to checking out again.
Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
General information related to arrival and dismissal:
- Parents are encouraged to utilize the drop-off and pick-up lane and not exit their cars.
- Parents will not be allowed to wait out in front of the building to meet their student/s after school. There will be a “meeting spot” on the blacktop playground area. Parents are encouraged to follow all social distancing guidelines.
- Students will be utilizing different doors to enter and exit the building throughout the day. Safety measures will remain in place with all doors locked during the school day.
- We acknowledge that there may be an increase in wait times during dismissal. Please use patience during this time and allow yourself plenty of time to pick-up your student/s. Remember that there will only be ½ the number of students or less each day so wait times may not increase.
- Students may enter the building at 7:40 and should NOT arrive at school prior to this time. We will no longer be providing supervision for students in the gym before school.
- After students are trained (1-2 weeks) on which door to enter and exit they will not meet at the spot that was utilized during the first 1-2 weeks of the start of the school year. They will walk and enter the building through their designated door. A hand sanitization station will be located at each of these entrance points and will be supervised by a staff member so that we can ensure that each student uses hand sanitizer and is wearing a mask as they enter the building. These supervision points will remain in place throughout the year.
Enter and exit through the kindergarten doors (N29). For the first two weeks of school all kindergarten teachers will meet their students in a designated spot on the blacktop and escort their students to the classroom. Additional staff will be at the drop-off area directing students to their meeting spot. After the first two weeks we will have students trained on which door to enter/exit the building. |
Enter and exit through the front entrance (E1) For the first two weeks of school all first grade teachers will meet their students in a designated spot at the front of the building and escort them to the classroom. After the first two weeks we will have students trained on which door to enter/exit the building. |
Enter and exit through the “2nd grade recess” doors (N23). For the first two weeks of school all second grade teachers will meet their students in a designated spot on the blacktop and escort them to the classroom. After the first two weeks we will have students trained on which door to enter the building. |
Enter and exit through the outside doors (S14). For the first week of school all third grade teachers and Mrs. Halstead will meet their students in a designated spot at the back of the building but away from bus drop off zones and escort them to the classroom. After the first week we will have students trained on which door to enter the building. |
Enter and exit through the outside doors by the front gym doors (E3). For the first week of school all fourth grade teachers will meet their students in a designated spot along the south side of the student drop off area. After the first week we will have students trained on which door to enter the building. |
Enter and exit through the outside doors by the 5th grade area (S16). For the first week of school all fifth grade teachers will meet their students in a designated spot at the back of the building but away from bus drop off zones and escort them to the classroom. After the first week we will have students trained on which door to enter the building. |
Grades 3-5 will join their grade level meeting spot in the back of the building. K-2 students will meet at a designated area in back of the building and be escorted by a staff member to the black top area to join their class. |
Students dropped off in front or walkers/bike riders will enter through (E2) bus riders eating breakfast enter through (S9). Students will report to the cafeteria to receive their grab and go breakfast and will be eating breakfast at their desks in the classroom. |
This process will not change from past practice. Students will ring the bell, enter the building and report to the office and receive a “pass” to class. Parents will not be signing the students in as we are not allowing parents to enter the building unless absolutely necessary. |
Kindergarten students will be escorted to bus pick-up areas by additional staff members. 1st-5th students will be escorted to bus pick-up areas by one of the grade level teachers.. Students will exit the building through the same days as arrival. |
Students will be given a windshield sign on the first day of school for parents to complete and place in the front windshield of their car. We will utilize much more of the “u-parking lot” to ensure students are socially distanced. Each grade level will have an area where they will wait by grade level and individual classroom assignment. We will not have younger siblings waiting with older siblings so parents will need to stay in line and make multiple stops along the “pick-up” zone until all siblings have been picked up. Please see attached map for these locations. WALKERS/MEETING SIBLINGS: If parents are meeting students after school this needs to occur on the blacktop. Parents will not be allowed to “congregate” in the pick-up zone in front of the building. If students are walking they should leave school grounds immediately after dismissal. If walking with a sibling they should meet on the blacktop after dismissal and NOT at the classroom, locker, etc. |
Hybrid Learning Model
The final Hybrid Learning model schedule for the 2020-2021 school year has been selected. See the attached schedule, which is the Set 2-Day Schedule with Alternating Wednesdays.
The survey results were:
Model 1 (Alternating Days): 35.15%
Model 2 (Set 2-Day Schedule with Alternating Wednesdays): 64.85%
The final results of the survey were:
- Model 1 (Alternating Days): 35.15%
- Model 2 (Set 2-Day Schedule with Alternating Wednesdays): 64.85%
Ashland Ridge Elementary is on Twitter
We’re on Twitter!
Follow us @AnkenyAshland to keep up on all of the happenings at Ashland Ridge Elementary School!